Friday, October 7, 2016

Charge up yourself 4

If you want to be respected, start respecting others.
Who can stop you ?
If you want to be served, start serving others,
Who can stop you ?
You will get respect and help from others automatically

Do not ever give the control of how you feel to some one else.
Don't allow somebody to remote control you.

What is Life ?
It is from B to D
Birth to Death.
What is inbetween B and D ?
It is C.
Our life is a matter of CHOICES.

How many of you are ready to take a journey of the future ?
You should take it, if you want your destination.
Don't make it happen to you, you will reach somewhere.

You can't learn to grow. You have to do it.

Secret to SUCCESS:
Keep yourself engaged in a positive way

Are you ENJOYING Life
To understand the understanding,
you need some understanding.

Without spending a single paisa, what are the things
we can give it to others ?
Smile (or Big Smile)
Gentle hugs (if they are your family members)
Confidence ( I am here to support you, don't worry)
Super Confidence (You can definitely do it)
Why are hesitating to give ?
What stops us ?
We are not alone in this world. We are depending on
others always.

Are you a giver or receiver in your life ?

There is a big gap between
looking happy
feeling happy.
Life is to find out, how to fill the gap.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Charge Up yourself - 3

Mars Vs Venus:
Men cannot listen to his wife fully (100 per cent)
Another fact, man cannot even know to pretend as if listening.
உலகம் ஒரு நாடக மேடை. எல்லோரும் நடித்து கொண்டு இருக்கிறோம்.
Without taking into account our professional designation or
educational qualification, how much we are worth today in the
society ? How much we have developed with these extra
factors ? (Personal Worth with a lot of disciplines in life)
Do one thing everyday that scares you.
Over a period of time, you will become a 
Super Man.
Allocate one hour as NO PHONE HOUR.
It may not be possible immediately. Over a period of time,
you can inform the people not to call between this and this
Keep down your phone and enjoy your life, without phone.
Let us not lose ourself and our life with this scientific
innovative tool. It should helps us to improve our life
It seems like improving, but only externally.
We are losing our life internally. We are unaware of it.
Today, no more complaints (Enough already given).
Only Compliments.
Is it possible ? Give a try.

A father's goodness is higher than the mountain;
A mother's goodness is deeper than the sea.
Your children need your presence,
more than your presents.
Will you allocate quality time with your children ?
Children are great imitators; So give them great
things to imitate.
Either you leave a better society to the kids;
or Better kids to the society.
Your children may not listen to you;
but they are watching you.
People say 'I can't forget my first love'
Then why do they forget their parents ?
FAMILY : Where life begins and love never ends
People Who Become Highly Successful In Their 20s Have These 6 Mindsets In Common
1. They had a vision and made constant efforts to realize it
2. They allowed their suffering to drive their motivation
3. They focused on what their audience wanted 
4. They nourished their creativity
5. They never lost hope, instead working hard and remaining patient
6. They challenged the popular beliefs and pushed the limits
Absorb what is useful,
Discard what is not,
Add what is uniquely your own - Bruce Lee
Let us copy or model or imitate successful people.
Accept Challenges in life.
Without a challenge, there’s no success
Make your life a masterpiece
ஒரு கவுன்சிலரால் முடியாததை, ஒரு எம் எல் ஏ வால முடியாததை ஒரு மந்திரியால முடியாததை மக்களாகிய நாம் செய்ய முடியும்.
அது தாங்க எந்த பிரதி பலனும் எதிர்பார்க்காம உதவி செய்றது. இப்ப சொல்லுங்க யார் ரொம்ப பவர்புல் ?
The top 10 strengths most frequently attributed to the creative leaders are:
1. Strong people skills.
2. Visionary.
3. Team builder.
4. Personable/approachable.
5. Leads by example.
6. Passion and drive.
7. Good listener.
8. Develops people.
9. Empowers people.
10. Positive attitude.
Out of these how many you have ?
Your best is yet to come
Make the most of your life
Sometimes, your heart needs more time to accept 
Life is short.
Time is fast
No replay
No rewind
So enjoy every moment when it comes.
Enjoy the morning sun rays.
Enjoy the chirping sounds of birds.
Enjoy seeing the children in uniforms.
Enjoy seeing the flowers from your garden plants.
Enjoy the puppies playing
Enjoy the drizzles
Enjoy the chill winds of mountains
Enjoy the beauty everywhere.
We don't remember days.
We remember only the moments.
நம்ம வாழ்க்கைக்கு ஒரு அர்த்தம் இருக்கிறது. அது என்ன என்று தேடினால் மற்றவர்களுக்கு உதவி செய்வது தான். ஏதாவது ஒரு வழியில் மற்றவர்களுக்கு உதவி செய்து கொண்டே இருக்க வேண்டும்.
Teachers can inadvertently suppress the creativity, productivity, and intellect of a student. So, teachers be aware.
நான் இதை சாதிக்கப்போகிறேன் அதை சாதிக்கப்போகிறேன் என்று சொல்லும் பொழுது மற்றவர்கள் சிரித்தால் அது தான் உனக்கு உரம். அது தான் உனக்கு வெறியை தூண்டும் சக்தி. நீ கண்டிப்பாக நிரூபித்து காட்டுவாய்
Do you know that your subconscious mind can be programmed for success ?
Mind has different states.
Beta (13 Hz - 30 Hz) is the state of normal, wakeful consciousness. As you are working, driving, talking, etc., you are usually in Beta. High beta activity is sometimes associated with anxiety, panic and stress.
Alpha (8 Hz - 12 Hz) is a state of light relaxation. Typified by a calm, focused mind. Alpha is sometimes called the "super learning state" because the brain seems to be more receptive and open to new information. Most people who meditate, do so in alpha.
Theta (4 Hz - 7 Hz) is a state of deep relaxation. Dreams and deep meditation are often associated with theta.
Delta (0.5 Hz - 3 Hz) the slowest of the brainwave patterns, can be a state of deep sleep, or trance-like consciousness. Maintaining awareness in delta has been known to open a path to the unconscious.
What youth should learn from PV Sindhu ?
Power of Focus
Power of Determination
Clarity of Goals
Continuous Efforts/Practice
From 8 years age, continous practice. 7 hours training
many days from 4 a.m.
Silver in Olympics
Approx. Rs.7 Cr. as Gift (Will fetch atleast 4 lac monthly
interest if deposited in Bank)
1000 sq. ft land free
BMW Sms Car
'A' Grade Govt Job
Pride for minimum another 5 years.
Still many more gifts/concessions/rewards/titles
Dear Youth, Are you ready for your take off ?
Where are you now ? How much is your hardwork
towards your goals ?
Will you make your parents PROUD and the nation ?
Arise, Awake, Stop NOT till your goal is reached.
Never stop doing your best
someone doesn't give you credit
SUCCESS occurs when your dreams are bigger than
Why we never rethink about the opinions we have on others ?
Good or Bad, anything. 
Are we always having fixed mentality ? Do we have lesser analysing capacity ?
Your furture depends on your planning capability
and implementing capability. How serious you are
about your future, make the reality.
Are you serious about your future ? Then what
steps you have taken to go to the next level ?
Sitting in this same level without taking any steps
you will not elevate to the next level in your life.
This is not your job to give you increment every
year whether you are worth it or not.
This is Life. YOUR LIFE.
Most people are so busy trying to make a living, they forget to make a life
In the last month, how much time you have spent for your
self development ?
ஏதாவது மெசேஜ் வந்திருக்கிறதா என அடிக்கடி வாட்ஸாப்ப் ஐயும் FB ஐயும் பார்ப்பது போல வாழ்க்கையில் ஒன்றுமே செய்யாமல் வங்கி கணக்கில் ஏதாவது பணம் வந்திருக்கிறதா என்று பார்க்காதீர்கள். அதற்கு உண்டான சரியான முயற்சி எடுக்கவில்லை என்றால் யாரும் உங்கள் கணக்கிற்கு பணம் போட மாட்டார்கள்.
நான் ஜெயிக்க வேண்டும் என்பதற்காக மற்றவர்கள் தோற்க வேண்டும் என அர்த்தம் இல்லை. நாம் எல்லாருமே முன்னேறி செல்லலாம்
People are willing to be TOOOO LAZY.
People have to identify what are the factors
making them too lazy.
Such people deserve to be poverty-striken.
They choose their life. They choose their poverty.
Why trainers are seem to be more inspiring ?
Because average people never follow any techniques,
what they learn from books, trainings, internet, etc.
Everybody says they don't have time to change themselves.
If everybody searches for techniques and implements them,
then everyone will become powerful.